ParticleBuilder and ParticleWizardry

Now spawning particles is funny and easy to do ^^

This page has is code related, important for addon developers.

Electroblob's Wizardry don't use the usual system of particles to spawn them, in change, use a custom and "chained" system to spawn them and register all the particles.

You will see this change by searching in the particle command one of the custom particles:

[Insert GIF of any particle with white texture or something]

But... Why is this happening?... Simple, This mod register (mostly) white textures in their particles to change them later using the ParticleBuilder class, and now you're saying, what's ParticleBuilder class?

ParticleBuilder is a utility class used by Ebwizardry that simplifies the creation of the particles in Minecraft. This class provides a chained system to spawn a particle in just one line of code and setting new various properties to this particle such as color, scale, lifetime, fade, and more.

This is supported thanks to ParticleWizardry, but we don't need to know about how is works, if you're interested to add particles to use in this system, see it below.

Simple example using the ParticleBuilder:

Start building a Particle calling any create(DefaultParticleType particle) method. This method takes a DefaultParticleType object as an argument, which represents the type of particle to be created. (This particle needs to extend ParticleWizardry)


And now we need to set the position.

ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.LEAF).pos(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getZ())

Now we could just spawn the particle:

            ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.LEAF).pos(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getZ()).spawn(getWorld());

And this is the result:

[Gif for reference]

This was just a simple example about what ParticleBuilder can do, but you can see more cases that work very well!

Some examples:

Poison Spell

ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.DARK_MAGIC).pos(x, y, z).color(0.3f, 0.7f, 0).spawn(world);
ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.SPARKLE).pos(x, y, z).time(12 + world.random.nextInt(8)).color(0.1f, 0.4f, 0).spawn(world);

[Spell GIF]

Frost Ray

ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.SPARKLE).pos(x, y, z).velocity(vx, vy, vz).time(8 + world.random.nextInt(12)).color(0.4f + 0.6f * brightness, 0.6f + 0.4f * brightness, 1).collide(true).spawn(world);
ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.SNOW).pos(x, y, z).velocity(vx, vy, vz).time(8 + world.random.nextInt(12)).collide(true).spawn(world);

[Spell GIF]

Magic Missile

ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.SPARKLE, random, prevX, prevY, prevZ, 0.03, true).color(1, 1, 0.65f).time(20 + random.nextInt(10)).fade(0.7f, 0, 1).spawn(getWorld());

double x = prevX - getVelocity().getX() / 2;
double y = prevY - getVelocity().getY() / 2;
double z = prevZ - getVelocity().getZ() / 2;

ParticleBuilder.create(WizardryParticles.SPARKLE, random, x, y, z, 0.03, true).color(1, 1, 0.65f).time(20 + random.nextInt(10)).fade(0.7f, 0, 1).spawn(getWorld());

[Spell GIF]

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